ENIAC World Wide Web
The Computer, from Pascal to von Neumann
This is the title of a marvelous book by Herman H. Goldstine,
highly recommended to anyone interested in the early days of the ENIAC.
The back cover says:
In 1942, Lt. Herman H. Goldstine, a former mathematics professor, was
stationed at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the
University of Pennsylvania where he assisted in the creation of the
ENIAC, the first electronic digital computer.
The ENIAC was operational in 1945, but plans for a new computer were
already under way. The principal source of ideas for the new computer
was John von Neumann, who became Goldstine's chief collaborator. After
World War II, at the Institute for Advanced Study, they built the
prototype of the present-day computer.
Herman Goldstine writes as both historian and scientist in this first
examination of the development of computing machinery, from the
seventeenth century through the early 1950s. His personal involvement
lends a special authenticity to his narrative.
Table of Contents
PART ONE: The Historical Background up to World War II
- Beginnings
- Charles Baggage and His Analytical Engine
- The Astronomical Ephemeris
- The Universities: Maxwell and Boole
- Integrators and Planimeters
- Michaelson, Fourier Coefficients, and the Gibbs Phenomenon
- Boolean Algebra: x**2 = x*x = x
- Billings, Hollerith, and the Census
- Ballistics and the Rise of the Great Mathematicians
- Bush's Differential Analyzer and Other Analog Devices
- Adaptation to Scientific Needs
- Renascence and Triumph of Digital Means of Computation
PART TWO: Wartime Developments: ENIAC and EDVAC
- Electronic Efforts prior to ENIAC
- The Ballistic Research Laboratory
- Differences between Analog and Digital Machines
- Beginnings of the ENIAC
- The ENIAC as a Mathematical Instrument
- John von Neumann and the Computer
- Beyond the ENIAC
- The Structure of the EDVAC
- The Spread of Ideas
- First Calculations on the ENIAC
PART THREE: Post-World War II: The von Neumann Machine and The
Institute for Advanced Study
- Post-EDVAC Days
- The Institute for Advanced Study Computer
- Automata Theory and Logic Machines
- Numerical Mathematics
- Numerical Meteorology
- Engineering Activities and Achievements
- The Computer and UNESCO
- The Early Industrial Scene
- Programming Languages
- Conclusions
APPENDIX: World-Wide Developments
Publication Information
Published by Princeton University Press,
41 William Street,
Princeton, New Jersey, 08540 USA.
Telephone 1-800-777-4726.
Copyright 1972 by Princeton University Press. New preface copyright
Library of Congress Card No. 70-173755
ISBN 0-691-08104-2 (hardback)
ISBN 0-691-02367-0 (paperback)
378 pages.